Course curriculum

    1. A message from the Jodi

    2. Part 1 Course Overview and Schedule

    3. Before we begin: Quick Self Assessment Survey

    1. UYLP Introductory Reflections

    2. Introduction to UYLP

    1. Understanding Barriers to Women's Leadership Video

    2. Understanding Barriers to Women's Leadership Presentation PDF

    3. UYLP Understanding Barriers Reflections

    1. Strengths of Diverse Women Leaders: Leverage Them Towards Your Goals

    2. Strengths of Diverse Women Leaders PDF of Power Point Presentation

    3. Identifying and Leveraging Strengths: Reflections

    1. Addressing Barriers and Discrimination

    2. Addressing Barriers and Discrimination

    3. Addressing Barriers and Discrimination Reflection

    1. Self-Advocacy and Negotiation: Extended Lesson

    2. Self-Advocacy and Negotiation PDF

    3. Self-Advocacy and Negotiation Reflection

About this course

  • $375.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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